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Public Safety Diver Certification


Call for Schedule & for Pricing 239-434-7477

ERDI* Level 1 Public Safety Diver Certification Course

This course is designed to take the open water certified diver into the realm of public
safety diving.
The course consists of classroom, pool and open water training in the following areas:

· Line tended diving techniques
· Black water diving
· Contaminated water procedures
· Team rapid deployment maneuvers
· Search patterns and profiling
· Out of air and entanglement contingencies
· Basic evidence handling procedures
· Scene management, and control
· Gear configuration
· Full face mask and dry suit introduction
N.F.P.A. 1670 Standard compliance, technician level for divers.

ERDI* Public Safety Diver Level 1 certification will be awarded to students successfully
completing the program.

Course Cost: Up to 8 divers or combination of divers and tenders, $6400.00 includes
educational materials and certification fee.

Course duration is four days, 0800 to 1700 hours. Students must provide dive gear and
equipment as listed under required equipment.

Students must be as a minimum open-water certified divers with current CPR training
card, and oxygen provider trained. We can provide CPR/O2 training at an additional cost.

Classroom 3 hours, Pool training one day and open water training 3 days.

*ERDI Emergency Response Diving International

Required Equipment

Each Diver Candidate:

Full open water scuba equipment
- Dive computer or depth gauge and timing device.
- Whistle
- Weights as needed

- Two cutting devices dive knife and shears recommended.
- Two full scuba tanks minimum 80 cf. capacity
- Full face mask (if qualified)
- Pony bottle and regulator with 6 inch hose spg. or button type psg., cylinder size 19 cf. to
- 30 cf. capacity. Mounting system to primary scuba cylinder.
- Full wetsuit or dry suit (if dry suit qualified)
- Gloves 3 to 5mm
- Hood
- SMB and finger spool or reel 75 feet minimum line length
- Logbook
- One type III PFD per two divers
- Equipment bag or container to transport equipment (tanks/weights not included)

Note: Full face mask and dry suits are recommended for PSD operations but not required
to participate in the course.

Team Equipment

- O2 kit, First Aid kit and AED
- Ground tarps 8 foot by 6 foot minimum
- Body recovery bag
- Diver down flag, float and weighted line.
- 2 dive reels, 150 feet to 300 feet of line.

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