
TDI Into to TECH/Advanced Nitrox

Call for Schedule & for Pricing 239-434-7477

This course is for divers wishing to explore technical diving planning, emergency procedures,
and dive plan execution for no decompression dives. Students will also be able to utilize nitrox
mixes up to 100 percent O2 for no decompression dives. These classes are excellent
foundations for the TDI Decompression Procedures course.
- SDI Advanced Diver or equivalent.
- SDI Nitrox Diver or equivalent.
- 25 logged dives.
- Current DAN Insurance.
- 18 years of age minimum. 15 with parental consent.
One pool session.
Two classroom sessions.
4 open water dives (NDL dives). Two days.
6 students maximum. 4 minimum.
$995.00 per student.
- Full open water gear.
- Nitrox capable dive computer.
- Exposure protection as needed for area.
- SMB 25 pound lift. Reel or finger spool 100 feet of line minimum.
- Cutting device.
- Signaling device (whistle)
- Two single cylinders 80 cf. minimum or twin set with ISO manifold.
- Primary regulator with alternate second stage.
- Slate or wet notes.
- 40 cf. aluminum cylinder with stage bottle rigging, labeled for 70 foot MOD.
- O2 clean regulator with spg. 6 ich hose for above.
Price includes student manuals, handouts, and certification fees. Dive charter fees, rentals, and
gas fees etc. are not included.
Call us for more details and class schedule